Thursday 05.23.2019
Strength:3x10 of strict handstand push-upsMetcon:RxAmrap in 12 min of:8 dbl
Strength:3x10 of strict handstand push-upsMetcon:RxAmrap in 12 min of:8 dbl
Metcon: Rx Amrap in 20 min of: (each round must
Strength:5, 5, 5 (50, 60, 70% of 1rm front squat)
Metcon: Rx Amrap in 20 min of: 20 sit-ups 20
Metcon:Rx21-15-9 reps of:2-fer-1 wall shots, 20/14ring dipshandstand push-upsScaled21-15-9 reps of:wall
Strength: develop a 1rm clean & jerk Metcon: Rx Amrap
Strength:3 sets of max strict handstand push-upsrest 1 min after
Strength: 3x30 hollow rocks Metcon: Rx Amrap in 17 min
Metcon: (in any order but C2B or Muscle-ups are last)
Strength: 3 rounds for quality of: 1 min worth of