Thursday 08.29.2019
Conditioning: Rx EMOM for 20 min: Odd: 30 double unders
Conditioning: Rx EMOM for 20 min: Odd: 30 double unders
Strength:develop a 1rm deadliftConditioning:Rx2 rounds for time of:run 400m20 handstand
Strength: develop a 1rm shoulder press Conditioning: Rx 3 rounds
Strength: develop a 1rm back squat Conditioning: Rx For time:
Strength: develop a 1rm jerk Conditioning: Rx 40-30-20 reps of:
Strength: 5x3 deadlifts @80% Conditioning: Rx 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of: box
Strength: back squat 5x3 @80% Conditioning: Rx Amrap in 15
Strength:work up to a heavy overhead squatConditioning:RxFor time:40 power cleans,
Strength:work up to a heavy squat jerkConditioning:Rx3 rounds for time
Skill:muscle-upConditioning:RxFor time:tabata 100 back squats, 95/65then,"Annie"50-40-30-20-10 reps of:double underssit-upsIntermediateFor time:tabata