Monday 09.30.2019
Strength:Work up to a heavy complex of:2 deadlifts + 2
Strength:Work up to a heavy complex of:2 deadlifts + 2
Conditioning:RxFor time:15-12-9 reps of:dbl kb thrusters, 53/35kb facing burpeesthen,9-12-15wall shots,
Strength:work up to a heavy set of 10 shoulder press**perform
Conditioning: Rx CF Open 18.3 2 rounds for time of:
Strength: work up to a heavy squat clean Conditioning: Rx
Skill: muscle-up drills Conditioning: Rx Amrap in 12 min of:
Conditioning: Rx 3 rounds for time of: 50 air squats
Weather Update: No morning classes today due to the storm.
OPEN GYM ONLY TODAY FROM 10-12Happy Labor Day!!!!Conditioning:Rx2 rounds for
Conditioning:RxFor time:50 cal ski15 squat clean & jerks, 135/9515 squat