Thursday 12.20.2018
Metcon: Rx Increasing weight by 10lbs EMOM develop a max:
Metcon: Rx Increasing weight by 10lbs EMOM develop a max:
Metcon:Rx3-6-9-12-15-18thrusters, 115/80burpeesScaled3-9-12-18thrustersburpeesMutant3-6-9-12-15-18thrusters, 135/95burpeesPost times to comments.
Metcon: (in any order) Rx For time: 50 cal ski
Strength: clean pulls 3x5 @95, 100, 105% Metcon: (no singles)
Metcon: (40 min cap) "12 Days of Christmas" 1 dbl db Curtis
Strength:every 30 seconds:1 snatch @ 75-80%Focus on techniqueMetcon: ( no
Skill: handstand push-up practice Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap: 2
Skill: muscle-up practice Metcon: Rx 12-10-8-6-4-2 clean and jerks* 65
Strength: work up to a heavy snatch balance Metcon: Rx
Strength:3x10 glute-ham raisesMetcon:Rx3 rounds for total reps of:1 min max