Thursday 12.27.2018
Strength: 5rm hang snatch Metcon: (PR wod from 12/28/2017) Rx
Strength: 5rm hang snatch Metcon: (PR wod from 12/28/2017) Rx
Metcon: Rx Increasing weight by 10lbs EMOM develop a max:
Metcon: (40 min cap) "12 Days of Christmas" 1 dbl db Curtis
Skill:15 pullovers or pullover attemptsMetcon:Rx12 min amrap:10 kb snatches, 53/3510
Strength: EMOM for 10 min: 1 squat snatch + 2
Strength:snatch pulls 3, 3, 3 (100, 105, 110% of 1rm
We're operating on our normal schedule today. WODs will be
Strength: EMOM for 10 min: 2 snatches @80% of max
9/11 tribute workout Rx 2001 meter run 11 thrusters, 165/115
Strength: deadlift 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80,90% of 95% 1rm)