Wednesday 07.03.2019
Conditioning: Rx For time: 80 cal row 50 thrusters, 45/35
Conditioning: Rx For time: 80 cal row 50 thrusters, 45/35
Strength: 1rm squat clean Conditioning: Rx 3 rounds for time
Strength:3rm thrusterConditioning:Rx50 double unders50 sit-ups40 kb swings, 53/3540 sit-ups30 box
Conditioning: (No Singles) Rx Every 2 min for 16 min:
Metcon: (35 min cap) Rx "KB Linda" 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Strength: work up to a 1 rep max deadlift
Strength:work up to a 1 rep max back squatMetcon:RxAmrap in
Don't forget we will be having our Track WOD tomorrow
Strength:3x8 strict toes 2 bar or candlesticksConditioning:Rx50-40-30-20-10 reps of:sit-upsknees 2
Conditioning: Rx 3 rounds and 1 min stations: cal row