Wednesday 02.05.2020
Strength: work up to a 1rm shoulder press Conditioning: Rx
Strength: work up to a 1rm shoulder press Conditioning: Rx
Strength: work up to a 1rm deadlift Conditioning: Rx 21-18-15-12
Conditioning: Rx EMOM: 20 double unders 2 rounds for time
Strength: work up to a heavy power snatch + overhead
Strength: work up to a heavy power clean + front
Conditioning: Rx Amrap in 20 min of: 40m handstand walk*
Conditioning: (No Singles) Rx Amrap in 15 min of: 10
Conditioning: Rx For time: 80 deadlifts, 165/105 80 air squats
Strength: work up to a heavy hang snatch Conditioning: (No
Conditioning: Rx 3 rounds for time of: 10 kb split