Wednesday 10.30.2019
Strength: work up to a heavy hang snatch Conditioning: Rx
Strength: work up to a heavy hang snatch Conditioning: Rx
Conditioning: Rx For time: 45 cal ski then, 2 rounds
Strength:work up to a heavy snatchConditioning:Rx10-20-30 reps for time of:strict
Conditioning:RxFor time:15-12-9 reps of:dbl kb thrusters, 53/35kb facing burpeesthen,9-12-15wall shots,
Conditioning: Rx CF Open 18.3 2 rounds for time of:
Conditioning: Rx row 1000m 30 box jumps, 30/24 85 double
Strength: Front Squat 3x5 should be 3 heavy sets of
OPEN GYM ONLY TODAY FROM 10-12Happy Labor Day!!!!Conditioning:Rx2 rounds for
Strength: develop a 1rm jerk Conditioning: Rx 40-30-20 reps of:
Strength:work up to a heavy overhead squatConditioning:RxFor time:40 power cleans,