Thursday 06.21.2018
Strength: snatch pulls 3, 3, 3 (35/45/55% of 1rm Deadlift)
Strength: snatch pulls 3, 3, 3 (35/45/55% of 1rm Deadlift)
Strength: back squat 5, 5, 5+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon:
Strength: back squat 5, 3, 1+ or 1rm (75, 85,
Strength: back squats 3, 3, 3+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon:
Strength: shoulder press 5, 5, 5+ (60, 70, 80%) Metcon:
We will be closed today in honor of Easter Monday.
Strength: deadlift 3x5 (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx For time
Strength: shoulder press 3x5 (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx 2
Hey guys we will be on an Open Gym schedule
Thursday Open Gym from 11-1 if you can make it.