Wednesday 12.04.2019
Skill: max handstand hold in 5 min Conditioning: PR WOD
Skill: max handstand hold in 5 min Conditioning: PR WOD
Strength: snatch + overhead squat 2 @ 60% 1rm snatch
Skill:muscle-upConditioning:RxFor time:tabata 100 back squats, 95/65then,"Annie"50-40-30-20-10 reps of:double underssit-upsIntermediateFor time:tabata
Skill: handstand push-up Conditioning: Rx For total of lowest reps:
Strength: 2 sec pause jerks (pause for 2 sec on
Strength: back squats 3x5 using 80% of 1rm Conditioning: Rx
Strength:work up to 1rm front squatMetcon: (Score TOTAL reps)RxTabata burpeesTabata
Strength: 1rm deadlift Metcon: Rx Tabata: dbl db cleans, 50/35