Thursday 05.02.2019
Strength: work up to a heavy snatch balance Metcon:
Strength: work up to a heavy snatch balance Metcon:
Strength: EMOM for 10 minutes: 1 squat clean & jerk
Strength: 5, 5, 5+(65, 75, 85%) shoulder press Metcon: Rx
Strength: 5, 5, 5+(65. 75, 85%) back squat Metcon:
We will not be having classes today in remembrance of Easter
Metcon:Rx3 rounds for time of:run 400m5 rope climbs30 wall shots,
Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for time of: run 400m 21
Strength: 3x20 hip extensions Metcon: Rx Amrap in 20 min
Strength: 5x3 1 & 1/4 OH Squats Metcon: Rx For
Strength: work up to a heavy behind the neck snatch