Advent: max distance standing broad jump 3 attempts Strength: back
Advent: max distance standing broad jump 3 attempts Strength: back
Advent: 10 pistols w/ 5sec hold at the bottom Strength:
Advent: 15 strict toes 2 bar Strength: deadlift 5, 5, 5+
Advent: 25 triple unders Strength: shoulder press 3x5 (65, 75, 85%)
Advent: 10 burpee pull-overs Strength: 5x3 overhead squats Metcon: Rx
Advent: Accumulate 3 min of an L-sit on the rings
Advent: 3min worth of handstand holds Strength: work heavy
Advent: 100 double unders unbroken (if not 100, shoot for something
Strength: deadlifts 5, 3, 1+ (75, 85, 95% or 1rm)
Open Gym today from 11-1. Make sure you get here