Wednesday 04.17.2019
Metcon:Rx3 rounds for time of:run 400m5 rope climbs30 wall shots,
Metcon:Rx3 rounds for time of:run 400m5 rope climbs30 wall shots,
Strength: 3x5 dbl kb front squats (same weight) Metcon: Rx
Strength: warm up to squat cleans Metcon: Rx 4 rounds
Strength: 3 rounds for quality of: 1 min of L-sits
Strength: Within 5 min record longest handstand hold* *sub hold
Strength:work up to 1rm front squatMetcon: (Score TOTAL reps)RxTabata burpeesTabata
Today and tomorrow you will have a chance to remove
Strength: 3x3 deadlifts with 5-second hold at the top @65%
Strength: work up to a heavy behind the neck snatch
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 5 back squats @60% Metcon: