Today and tomorrow you will have a chance to remove a movement from your workout. All you have to do is leave us a review on Google and/or Facebook.

Conditions for the review to count:

  1. You leave a star rating
  2. You have to leave us a personal comment. Tell the world how coming to our gym has impacted your life.
  3. Go here….
  4. And or here…. Google Review


1 & 1/4 front squats 5×3



Amrap in 20 min of:

12 turkish get-ups, 70/53

16 split snatches, 53/35

20 burpee box jump overs, 24/20

40 double unders


Amrap in 20 min of:

12 turkish get-ups

14 split snatches

16 burpee box jump overs

120 single unders

Post rounds and extra reps.