Friday 02.28.2020
Conditioning: Rx Amrap in 20 min of: 20 ring dips
Conditioning: Rx Amrap in 20 min of: 20 ring dips
Strength: work up to a heavy snatch Conditioning: Rx 12-9-6-3
CF OPEN workout 20.5.....
If you dress up in a Halloween Costume today (and
Conditioning: Rx 30-20-10 reps for time of: overhead squats, 115/85
Conditioning: CF Open Workout...
Strength: develop a 1rm back squat Conditioning: Rx For time:
Skill: ring muscle-up/ chest 2 bar pull-up Conditioning: Rx 10-8-6-4-2
Strength: work up to a 1 rep max deadlift
Don't forget we will be closed tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday.