Metcon: Rx For time: 100 cal bike 100 cal row
Metcon: Rx For time: 100 cal bike 100 cal row
Strength: back squats 3x5 (45, 55, 65%) Metcon: Rx 3
Strength: shoulder press 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon:
Strength: develop a 1rm hang snatch Metcon: Rx CF Open
Strength: back squat 5, 3, 1+ ( 75, 85, 95%
Advent: Strength: 3rm hang snatch Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap
Advent: 3min worth of handstand holds Strength: work heavy
Strength: snatch pulls 3, 3, 3 (95, 105, 110% of
Strength: deadlifts 5, 3, 1+ (75, 85, 95% or 1rm)
Metcon: 25 min cap Rx 60 ghd sit-ups 60 alternating db squat