Tuesday 03.26.2019
Today is the last day you will have a chance
Today is the last day you will have a chance
Strength: 3x20 hip extensions Metcon: Rx Amrap in 20 min
Skill: pull-up and muscle-up skill work Metcon: Rx Amrap in
Strength: 5x2 split jerk Metcon: Rx 12-9-6 hang squat cleans,
Strength: 3x10 back extensions Metcon: Rx Amrap in 20 min
Strength: 3x3 deadlifts with 5-second hold at the top @65%
Strength: work up to a heavy behind the neck snatch
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 5 back squats @60% Metcon:
Skill: 5 sets of 5 kipping swing working on a
Strength: 3 sets of 12 weighted box step-ups, 95/65, 24/20