Tuesday 04.02.2019
Strength: Within 5 min record longest handstand hold* *sub hold
Strength: Within 5 min record longest handstand hold* *sub hold
Don't forget about our Post Open Cookout tomorrow at 12.
Skill: positions on the snatch Metcon: Rx EMOM for 30
Today and tomorrow you will have a chance to remove
Strength: 5x2 split jerk Metcon: Rx 12-9-6 hang squat cleans,
Strength: 3x3 deadlifts with 5-second hold at the top @65%
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 5 back squats @60% Metcon:
Strength:3x10 strict handstand push-upsMetcon:Rx4 rounds for time of:40 v-ups30 knees
Strength: box pistols, add weight if possible Metcon: Rx 5
Strength: split jerk 3x3 @70% of 1rm Metcon: Rx 15