Tuesday 03.19.2019
Strength: 5x2 split jerk Metcon: Rx 12-9-6 hang squat cleans,
Strength: 5x2 split jerk Metcon: Rx 12-9-6 hang squat cleans,
Strength: 3 sets of 12 weighted box step-ups, 95/65, 24/20
Strength: work up to a heavy power clean + front
Strength:EMOM for 5 min perform 2 touch and go snatches
Let's get this year started off right!! Strength: 10rm back
Metcon: (40 min cap) "12 Days of Christmas" 1 dbl db Curtis
Skill: handstand push-up practice Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap: 2
Strength:3x15 ghd sit-ups**use mb for added resistance if neededMetcon:Rx5 rounds
Strength:thruster 5, 3, 1, 1, 1Metcon:Rx18-15-12-9-6-3thrusters, 75/55power snatchestoes 2 barScaled15-12-9thrusterspower
Strength:3x10 glute-ham raisesMetcon:Rx3 rounds for total reps of:1 min max