Tuesday 04.16.2019
Strength: 5x3 dbl kb overhead squats (same weight) *choose a
Strength: 5x3 dbl kb overhead squats (same weight) *choose a
Strength: 3x5 dbl kb front squats (same weight) Metcon: Rx
Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for time of: run 400m 21
Strength: shoulder press 5x3 @ 75% Metcon: Rx 3 rounds
Strength: EMOM for 7 min of: 3 back squats @70%
Strength: develop a 1rm snatch Metcon: Rx Amrap in
Strength: 3 rounds for quality of: 1 min of L-sits
Strength: Within 5 min record longest handstand hold* *sub hold
Don't forget about our Post Open Cookout tomorrow at 12.
Skill: positions on the snatch Metcon: Rx EMOM for 30