Daily Workouts
Strength: work up to a heavy clean and jerk Metcon: Rx 12 min amrap 3 touch and go clean & jerks, 75% of heavy c&j run 100m Intermediate 12
Strength: dbl kb shoulder press 3x5 (same weight for 3 sets) Metcon: Rx 80 cal bike then, 3 rounds 40 wall shots, 20/14 20 toes 2 bar Intermediate 60 cal
Strength: 50 ghd sit-ups Metcon: Rx tabata ring dips rest 1 min tabata snatches, 95/65 rest 1 min tabata box jumps, 24/20 rest 1 min tabata sit-ups Intermediate tabata pushups
Strength: Deadlift 5x3 Metcon: Rx 3 rounds 20 kb snatches, 70/53 40 double unders 20 burpees Intermediate 3 rounds 14 kb snatches 20 double unders/ 60 singles 14
Strength: overhead squats 3x5 Metcon: Rx 5 rounds for total reps: 1 min left hand db shoulder 2 overhead, 50/35 1 min right hand db shoulder 2 overhead, 50/35 1 min
Today is LOOK-A-LIKE DAY! Pick someone in the gym and dress and act like them. This should be fun! Here's one from 2016. 9/23/2016 EMOM for…. Start with 45/35 Perform