Daily Workouts
Skill: rope climb Metcon: Rx 17 min amrap: 5 handstand push-ups, 3" deficit (+5 reps each round) 5 rope climbs Intermediate 17 min amrap 5 handstand push-ups, +5
Strength: Deadlift 5, 5, 5+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx 30-20-10 squat cleans*, 135/95 70 double unders** *3+ reps each set **sub 150 single unders Intermediate 25-15-5 squat cleans
Strength: Back Squat 5, 5 ,5+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx 4 rounds 15 front squats, 135/95 20 toes 2 bar Intermediate 3 rounds 15 front squats 15
Strength: Shoulder Press (65, 75, 85%) 5, 5, 5+ Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap 30 kb swings, 70/53 30 sit-ups EMOM: 5 burpees Intermediate 15 min amrap 30
Don't forget that we will be having an offsite wod tomorrow at the Emery's Run. If you haven't signed up yet, follow this link: https://www.runtheeast.com/races/ Strength: 1 and 1/4 front squats (60,
Strength: deload deadlift 3x5 (60, 65, 70%) Metcon: In 20 min develop 1rm of the following complex: Rx (touch and go) 30 double unders hang snatch snatch 3 overhead squats