Daily Workouts
5am, 6am and 730am classes are canceled. Classes will start back up at the 9am class. Strength: work up to a heavy complex of 3 deadlifts+2 squat cleans+1 jerk Metcon: Rx 17
Strength: 3x5 snatch pulls (60, 65, 70% of 1rm deadlift) Metcon: Rx 21-15-9 sumo deadlift high pulls, 135/95 (no singles) box jumps, 24/20 wall shots, 20/14 Intermediate 15-12-9 sumo
Strength: 3x5 1 and 1/4 back squats (60, 65, 70% of 1rm) Metcon: Rx 5 rounds for total reps: 15 sec max rep thrusters, 135/95 rest 45 sec 15 sec
Dont forget we are closed New Years Day and will be back to a regular schedule on Jan 2nd. Midnight WOD (New Years Eve WOD) 20 rounds (with partner) 1 kb squat
Dont forget about our New Years WOD Sunday night. It will start at 9 with just hanging out, playing games and eating good food. Then, at midnight, the first wod of 2018 will
Strength: shoulder press 5, 3, 1+ (75, 85, 95% or 1rm) Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap (no singles) 5 snatches, 135/95 10 clean & jerks 15 toes 2 bar