Wednesday 1.09.2019
Strength: ring dips 3x8 (add weight if possible) Metcon: Rx
Strength: ring dips 3x8 (add weight if possible) Metcon: Rx
Strength: deadlifts work up to a heavy set of 5
Strength: 3x5 snatch grip (behind the neck) push presses Metcon:
Strength: develop a 1rm hang squat clean Metcon: Rx For
Strength:EMOM for 5 min perform 2 touch and go snatches
Let's get this year started off right!! Strength: 10rm back
Happy New Year!!!! Here's to another year becoming more fit
Last day of 2018! We are CLOSED today to
Don't forget about our New Year's Potluck and WOD at
Strength: 5rm hang snatch Metcon: (PR wod from 12/28/2017) Rx