Wednesday 2.6.2019
Strength: 1rm deadlift Metcon: Rx Tabata: dbl db cleans, 50/35
Strength: 1rm deadlift Metcon: Rx Tabata: dbl db cleans, 50/35
Strength: 1rm shoulder press Metcon: (no singles) Rx 3 rounds
Strength: 1rm back squat Metcon: Rx EMOM for 15 min:
Strength: work up to squat clean weight for the metcon
Strength: work up to a heavy power clean + front
Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for total reps: 1 min of
Strength:E2MOM for 10 min:5 back squats @ 50, 55, 60,
Strength:EMOM for 10 min: snatch pull + snatch @ 75%Metcon:RxAMRAP
Strength:warm up to deadlift for the metconMetcon:Rx20 min amrap8 deadlifts,
Strength:Work up to a "heavy" clean and jerk for the