Advent: headstand hold with split work Strength: shoulder press 3,
Advent: headstand hold with split work Strength: shoulder press 3,
Advent: Metcon: Rx "Dilizbeth" 21-15-9 squat cleans, 135/95 (no singles)
Advent: Strength: deadlifts 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon:
Advent: max distance standing broad jump 3 attempts Strength: back
Advent: 10 pistols w/ 5sec hold at the bottom Strength:
Advent: 15 strict toes 2 bar Strength: deadlift 5, 5, 5+
Advent: 20 kb bottoms up shoulder presses Strength: back squat
Advent: 10 skin the cats Strength: work up to a heavy hang
Advent: 10 burpee pull-overs Strength: 5x3 overhead squats Metcon: Rx
Advent: Accumulate 3 min of an L-sit on the rings