Wednesday 12.05.2018
Strength:sumo deadlift 5, 3, 1, 1, 1Metcon:Rx21-15-9 reps of:overhead squats,
Strength:sumo deadlift 5, 3, 1, 1, 1Metcon:Rx21-15-9 reps of:overhead squats,
Strength:EMOM for 10 min perform 1 clean & jerk @
Strength:3x10 glute-ham raisesMetcon:Rx3 rounds for total reps of:1 min max
Skill:15 pullovers or pullover attemptsMetcon:Rx12 min amrap:10 kb snatches, 53/3510
Strength: 3x5 weighted pistols Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for time
Don't forget:CLOSED ThursdayOpen Gym Friday 11-1Saturday class at 10amStrength:deadlift 5,
Skill: muscle-up and chest 2 bar practiceMetcon:Rx21-15-9thrusters, 115/80chest 2 bar
Strength:snatch grip push press 3x5 @65, 70, 75%Metcon: (no singles)Rx4
Metcon: Rx 50 reps of the following complex: 1 deadlift,
Strength: 1 & 1/4 front squats 3x5 @ 50, 55,