Wednesday 06.06.2018
Today is Emery Skye Godwin’s second birthday and we’ll
Today is Emery Skye Godwin’s second birthday and we’ll
Strength: work up to a heavy clean and jerk Metcon:
Strength: clean pulls 5, 5, 5 (40, 50, 60% of
Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 1 rope climb 15 wall
Strength: 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean +
Strength: clean pulls 3x5 (40, 50, 60% of 1rm deadlift)
Strength: Deadlift 5, 3, 1+ (75, 85, 95% or new
Strength: work up to a heavy squat clean Metcon: Rx
Strength: deadlifts 3, 3, 3+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx
Strength: 2 deadlifts + 1 power clean + 1 squat