Daily Workouts
Strength: 3x3 overhead squat Metcon: Rx CF Open Wod 17.3 Prior to 8:00, complete: 3 rounds of: 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups 6 squat snatches, 95/65 Then, 3 rounds of: 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Strength: shoulder press 3x5 (65, 75, 85% of 1rm) Metcon: (in any order) Rx 50 ghd sit-ups 50 alt. DB snatches, 50/35 50 DB overhead squats 50 DB shoulder 2 overhead
Strength: Back Squat 3x5 (65, 75, 85% of 1rm) Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 25 burpees 15 bodyweight back squats (from floor) Intermediate 20 min amrap 18 burpees 12
Strength: deadlift 3x5 (65, 75, 85% of 1rm) Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap 10 handstand push-up 15 push-ups w/ hand release 20 alternating pistols Intermediate 15 min amrap 10
Metcon: Open WOD 16.2 Rx AMRAP in 20 minutes Continue until 4 minutes: 25 Toes-to-Bars 50 Double-Unders 15 Squat Cleans (135/85 lb) If completed before 4 minutes, continue until 8
Strength: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch Metcon: Rx 12 min amrap 2 snatches, 95% of strength 50 double unders Intermediate 12 min amrap 3 snatches 15 double unders