Daily Workouts
Friday 06.01.2018
Strength: work up to a heavy clean and jerk Metcon: Rx 3 rounds 10 squat clean and jerks, 95/65 5 bar muscle-ups* 3 rounds 10 squat clean and jerks 5
Thursday 05.31.2018
Strength: deadlift 5, 5, 5+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 10 wall shots, 20/14 15 sumo-deadlift high-pulls, 95/65 20 sit-ups Scaled 15 min amrap 8 wall
Wednesday 05.30.2018
Strength: shoulder press 5, 5, 5+ (65, 75, 85%) Metcon: Rx For time 30 handstand push-ups 30 toes 2 bar 50 cal bike 50 box jumps, 24/20 30 oh lunges,
Monday 05.28.2018
Remember: We are just having Open Gym today from 10-12pm Metcon: "Jack" Rx 20 min amrap: 10 push presses, 115/80 10 kb swings, 53/35 10 box jumps, 24/20 Scaled
Friday 05.25.2018
Remember: We will be closed Saturday, May 26th and Monday, May 28th. We will be offering open gym Monday from 10am-12 because we love yall. Rx "Murph" run 1 mile
Wednesday 05.23.2018
Strength: snatch grip push press 5, 5, 5 (40, 50, 60% of 1rm shoulder press) Metcon: Rx EMOM for 12 min of odd: 10 deadlifts, 225/135 even: 10 ghd sit-ups