Daily Workouts
Tuesday 11.20.2018
Strength: shoulder press 5, 3, 1+ or new 1rm @75, 85, 95% Metcon: (Any order) Rx For time: 1000m row 50 ghd sit-ups 50 handstand push-ups Scaled For time: 1000m
Monday 11.19.2018
Strength:back squat 5, 3, 1+ or new 1rm @ 75, 85, 95%Metcon:Rx12 min amrap15 db push presses, 50/3530 double unders**sub 60 single undersScaled12 min amrap10 db push presses30 single undersMutant12
Friday 11.16.2018
Metcon: Rx 20 min ahap: 30 double unders 1 snatch attempt Scaled 20 min ahap: 50 single unders 1 snatch attempt Post heaviest snatch completed to comments.
Wednesday 11.14.2018
Strength:deadlift 5, 5, 5+ 70, 80, 90%Metcon:RxFor time:50 cal bike30 deadlifts, 225/15530 box jumps overs, 24/20ScaledFor time:30 cal bike30 deadlifts20 box jump oversMutantFor time:60 cal bike30 deadlifts, 315/22530 box jump
Tuesday 11.13.2018
Strength:shoulder press 5, 5, 5+ @ 70, 80, 90%Metcon:RxComplete 100 reps for time:2 min max cal rowdeck squats, 35/25ScaledComplete 100 reps for time:3 min max cal rowgoblet squatsPost times to
Tuesday 11.06.2018
Strength: back squat 3x5 @65, 75, 85% Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for time of: run 400m 21 sumo-deadlift high-pulls, 75/55 12 bar facing burpees Scaled 3 rounds for time of: