Skill: Handstand holds (freestanding and on the wall) Metcon:
Skill: Handstand holds (freestanding and on the wall) Metcon:
Strength: 4 hang squat cleans. Work up to a heavy
Metcon: Rx 5 rounds for time: 20 DB thrusters, 50/35
Skill: rope climb Metcon: Rx: 25 wall shots, 20/14
Strength: Push jerk 5x3 Metcon: Rx 3 rounds 100
Strength: overhead squat 3x3 Metcon: Rx 12 min amrap:
Strength: Clean pull + power up to a heavy
Strength: shoulder press 4x5 Metcon: Rx: 4 rounds 4
Metcon: 25 min cap Rx: 3 rounds for time:
Strength: work up to a heavy single hang snatch pull