5 rounds (25 min cap) 10 wall climbs 20 kb
5 rounds (25 min cap) 10 wall climbs 20 kb
Strength: 3x8 thruster Metcon: 17 min amrap: 60 double unders
Strength: work up to heavy set of 3 hang power
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: strict pull-ups strict ring dips toes 2
Strength: Front Squat 3x7 Metcon: 16 min amrap: 20 box
Strength: 5x3 snatch grip push press Metcon: For time 8
"Death By Wall Ball or Burpee" Choose your poison. Post
Strength: Work up to heavy hang squat clean Metcon:
Skill: EMOM for 10 min Odd: 50 du or set