Daily Workouts
5 rounds (25 min cap) 10 wall climbs 20 kb swings, 53/35 30 air squats Post times to comments.
Strength: 3x8 thruster Metcon: 17 min amrap: 60 double unders 30 thrusters, 95/65 15 bar muscle-ups* *sub 1 chest 2 bar pull-up + 1 push-up Post heaviest load and rounds
Strength: work up to heavy set of 3 hang power cleans Metcon: 12 min amrap: 8 power cleans, 115/80 *no singles* 8 front rack lunges 8 shoulder 2 overhead 8
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: strict pull-ups strict ring dips toes 2 bar burpees Post times to comments. https://youtu.be/W40M_RLp1Hw
Strength: Front Squat 3x7 Metcon: 16 min amrap: 20 box jumps, 30/24 20 turkish get-ups, 53/35 Post heaviest load and rounds plus extra reps to comments.
Strength: 5x3 snatch grip push press Metcon: For time 8 hang squat snatches, 155/105 run 800m 12 hang squat snatches run 800m 16 hang squat snatches Post heaviest load and