Daily Workouts
4 rounds for time: run 200m 30 sit-ups 30 kb goblet squats, 70/53 Post times to comments.
Strength: Back squat 3x5 (deload 60, 65, 70% of 1rm) Metcon: 30-20-10 reps of: chest 2 bar pull-ups burpees kb swings, 53/35 Post times to comments.
Strength: Shoulder Press (deload) 3x5 (60, 65, 70% of 1rm) Metcon: 5 rounds run 400m 15 clean & jerks*, 95/65 *perform at least 5 touch and go reps each set
Strength: 1 rm front squat Metcon: 15 min amrap: 20 db overhead squats, 50/35 20 v-ups Post heaviest load and rounds plus extra reps to comments.
Strength: 1rm deadlift Metcon: 17 min amrap: 100 double unders 10 squat snatches, 165/115 5 rope climbs Post heaviest load and reps plus extra reps to comments. https://youtu.be/PNZMRS6pnqI
Tabata pull-ups Rest 1 min Tabata jumping air squats Rest 1 min Tabata jumping lunges Rest 1 min Tabata toes 2 bar Score is the total of the lowest reps