Daily Workouts
Strength: shoulder press 4x5 Metcon: Rx: 4 rounds 4 squat clean & jerk, 205/135 15 box jumps, 24/20 Intermediate: 4 rounds 4 squat clean & jerks 15 step
Metcon: 25 min cap Rx: 3 rounds for time: 800m run 20 overhead squats, 135/95 10 back squats Intermediate: 3 rounds for time: 4oom run 20 overhead squats
Strength: work up to a heavy single hang snatch pull + snatch pull + full snatch Metcon: Rx 50-40-30-20-10 db snatches, 50/35 21-18-15-12-9 burpees Intermediate 40-30-20-10 db snatches 18-15-12-9
Strength: front squat 4x5 (increasing weight each set) Metcon: Pick one of these you can sustain for 14 minutes Rx: EMOM for 14 minutes: odd: row 15/12 cal even: 8
Strength: front squat 3x5 (60, 65, 70% of 1rm) Metcon: 20 min amrap ladder: dbl kb snatch, 53/35 dbl kb front squat box jump, 24/20 Post rounds and extra reps to
Strength: deadlift 3x5 (60, 65, 70% of 1rm) Metcon: 12 min amrap 3 rounds 1 min handstand push-ups 1 min knees 2 elbows 1 min wallshots, 20/14 1 min v-ups