Daily Workouts
Strength: Work up to a heavy clean and jerk Metcon: Rx row 1000m 200 double unders* 30 snatches *sub 350 single unders Intermediate: row 800m 200 single unders 30
Strength: Deadlifts 5x5 Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap: 10 ring muscle-ups 10 hang squat cleans, 225/155 Intermediate: 15 min amrap: 10 chest 2 bar pull-ups 10 push-ups w/
Strength: front squat 3x8 Metcon: Team Series Event #4 Rx: partner row 100 cal, switch as needed (75 individual) 100 toes 2 bar, switch as needed (75 individual)
Metcon: Team Series Event #2 (15 min cap) Rx (with partner) 120 double unders, relay each 120 chest 2 bar pull-ups, alternating every 15 reps 120 hang power snatches, 95/65,
Metcon: Team Series Event 1 By yourself or with a partner complete: Rx 9-15-21 reps of: thrusters, 95/65 bar facing burpees Intermediate: 9-15-21 thrusters, 65/45 bar facing burpees
Skill: ring muscle-up Metcon: Rx 9 min amrap: 8 burpees 16 sit-ups 32 knees 2 chest then, tabata toes 2 bar Intermediate: 9 min amrap: 8 burpees 12 sit-ups 16