Daily Workouts
Metcon: Rx 21-15-9-6-3 toes 2 bar handstand push-ups deadlifts, 275/185 Intermediate 18-12-9-6-3 toes 2 bar handstand push-ups deadlifts Beginner 15-12-9-6-3 hanging knee raises push-ups deadlifts Post times to
Strength: deload shoulder press 5x3 (60, 65, 70%) Metcon: Rx 14 min amrap ladder 3 pull-ups, +3 reps each round 2 kb overhead squats, 53/35, +2 reps each round Intermediate
Strength: Deload 1 and 1/4 back squats (60, 65, 70%) Metcon: (15 min cap) Rx 3 rounds for time run 400m 16 thrusters, 135/95 Intermediate 3 rounds run
Strength: 1rm front squat Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap 2 squat cleans, 70% of 1rm 10 burpees Intermediate 15 min amrap 2 squat cleans 10 burpees Beginner
Strength: 1 rep max deadlift Metcon: Rx run 800m 50 knees 2 elbows 100 double unders 50 kb overhead lunges, 70/53 Intermediate run 800m 35 knees 2 elbows 150
Strength: 1rm shoulder press Metcon: Rx 3 rounds run 4oom 40 wall shots, 20/14 8 ring muscle-ups Intermediate 3 rounds 400m run 25 wall shots 10 pull-ups 10 dips