Daily Workouts
Strength: back squat 5, 3, 1+ or 1rm (75, 85, 95%) Metcon: Rx 9 min amrap ladder: 1 dbl db squat clean thruster, 50/35, +1 every round 2 air squats,
Strength: back squat 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon: 14 min cap Rx 2 rounds 20 kb snatches, 53/35 20 burpees 20 kb split snatches 20 kb overhead squats
Metcon: Rx EMOM for 12 min: 5 air squats 5 burpees max double unders Intermediate EMOM for 12 min 5 air squats 3 burpees max double unders Beginner
Strength: deadlift 3x5 (45, 55, 65%) Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 5 squat snatches, 135/95 3 ring muscle-ups *sub 5 muscle-up progression or 3 c2b+3 push-ups Intermediate 20 min
If you need to do 18.1 please try and have already lined up a judge. If you would like to re-do 18.1 there will be a $5 charge. Strength: shoulder
Don't forget the announcement of CrossFit Open 18.1 WOD tonight at 8pm! Metcon: Rx row 3000m Intermediate row 200om Beginner row 1200m Post times to comments.