Daily Workouts
Tuesday 05.22.2018
Strength: clean pulls 5, 5, 5 (40, 50, 60% of 1rm deadlift) Metcon: Rx 3 rounds 30 mb squat cleans, 20/14 run 800m Scaled 3 rounds 18 mb squat cleans run
Friday 05.18.2018
Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 1 rope climb 15 wall shots, 20/14 30 kb snatches, 53/35 Scaled 20 min amrap 1 lay down get up rope climb 10 wall
Friday 05.11.2018
Strength: work up to a heavy snatch Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 400m run 50 sit-ups 40 kb swings, 53/35 3 snatches, 80% of strength Scaled 20 min amrap
Wednesday 05.09.2018
Strength: back squat 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon: Rx 4 rounds 15 chest 2 bar pull-ups 5 squat cleans, 155/105 Scaled 4 rounds 8 pull-ups 5 squat
Tuesday 05.08.2018
Strength: shoulder press 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon: Rx Every 2 min for 16 min complete: (no singles) 10 cal row 8 power cleans, 135/95 6 push jerks
Monday 05.07.2018
Strength: deadlift 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%) Metcon: Rx 12 min amrap 9 handstand push-ups 6 burpees 3 snatches, 135/95 (2 or less sets) Scaled 12 min amrap