Daily Workouts
Friday 08.24.2018
Strength: shoulder press 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90% of 95% of 1rm) Metcon: PR WOD from 8/24/2017 Rx 12 min amrap 1 min handstand push-ups 1 min knees 2
Thursday 08.23.2018
Strength: 3rm hang clean Metcon: Rx 40 cal row 40 bar facing burpees Scaled 40 cal row 25 bar facing burpees Mutant 50 cal row 50 bar facing
Tuesday 08.21.2018
Strength: back squat 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90% of 95% 1rm) Metcon: Rx 4 Bar Muscle-Ups 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 10 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups 21 Thrusters, 96/65 3 Bar Muscle-Ups 5
Wednesday 08.15.2018
Metcon: Rx 21-18-15-12-9 power snatch, 95/65 wall shots, 20/14 knees 2 elbows Scaled 15-12-9 power snatch wall shots knees 2 elbows Mutant 21-18-15-12-9 power snatch, 115/85 wall shots
Tuesday 08.14.2018
Strength: overhead squat 3, 3, 3 (65, 75, 85%of 1rm) Metcon: Rx 15 min amrap 5 pull-ups 8 ring dips 12 overhead squats, 95/65 Scaled 15 min amrap 5
Friday 08.10.2018
Metcon: Rx 20 min amrap 2 rope climbs 10 turkish get-ups, 35/25 15 burpees Scaled 15 min amrap 10 ring rows 6 turkish get-ups 8 burpees Mutant 20 min amrap