Daily Workouts
Thursday 12.06.2018
Skill: muscle-up practice Metcon: Rx 12-10-8-6-4-2 clean and jerks* 65 double unders *Complete the following loads: 75/55 95/65 135/95 165/115 185/125 205/135 Scaled 5 rounds 8 clean and jerks
Wednesday 12.05.2018
Strength:sumo deadlift 5, 3, 1, 1, 1Metcon:Rx21-15-9 reps of:overhead squats, 95/65box jumps, 30/24Then,50 wall shots, 20/14Scaled15-9-6 reps of:overhead squatsbox jumpsthen,25 wall shotsMutant21-15-9 reps of:overhead squats, 135/95box jumps, 30/24then,50 wall shots,
Tuesday 12.04.2018
Strength:3x15 ghd sit-ups**use mb for added resistance if neededMetcon:Rx5 rounds for time of:6 burpee pull-ups20 sit-upsScaled5 rounds for time of:5 burpee pull-ups15 sit-upsMutant7 rounds for time of:6 burpee c2b20 sit-upsPost
Monday 12.03.2018
Strength:thruster 5, 3, 1, 1, 1Metcon:Rx18-15-12-9-6-3thrusters, 75/55power snatchestoes 2 barScaled15-12-9thrusterspower snatcheshanging knee raisesPost loads and times to comments.
Thursday 11.29.2018
Strength:EMOM for 10 min perform 1 clean & jerk @ 80%Metcon:Rx15 min amrap:10 front rack forward lunges, 95/6510 front rack reverse lunges30 shoulder 2 overhead60 double undersScaled15 min amrap:12 front
Monday 11.26.2018
Strength: 3x5 weighted pistols Metcon: Rx 3 rounds for time of: 20 back squats, 165/105 20 wall shots, 20/14 20 pull-ups Scaled 3 rounds for time of: 10 back squats