Daily Workouts
Monday 03.04.2019
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 5 back squats @60% Metcon: Rx 10-20-30 reps for time of: pull-ups kb clean & jerks, 53/35 burpees Scaled 10-15-20 reps for time of: pull-ups
Wednesday 02.27.2019
Skill: 5 sets of 5 kipping swing working on a powerful, tight swing Metcon: Rx 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: wall shots, 20/14 snatches, 75/55 30 double unders after each round Scaled
Tuesday 02.26.2019
Strength: Accumulate 3 minutes worth of a L-sit Metcon: Rx 21-15-9 reps for time of: toes 2 bar thrusters, 115/85 burpees w/ lat hop over barbell Scaled 15-12-9 reps for
Monday 2.18.2019
Strength: work up to a heavy set of 6 back rack stationary lunges Metcon: Rx 8 rounds, each for time of: 3 hang squat cleans, 185/125 5 pull-ups 7 burpees
Friday 2.15.2019
Strength:3x10 strict handstand push-upsMetcon:Rx4 rounds for time of:40 v-ups30 knees 2 chest20 kb sumo-deadlifts, 53/3510 kb clean & jerksScaled3 rounds for time of:20 v-ups15 knees 2 chest20 kb sumo-deadlifts10 kb
Thursday 2.14.2019
Happy Valentine's DayBring your boo if you can. If not, it will be optional if you want a partner for the wod or not.Metcon:Rxamrap in 20 min of:10 plank walk-out