Monday 10.01.2018
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 3 touch and go clean
Strength: EMOM for 5 min: 3 touch and go clean
Strength: 3x8 one-legged deadlifts Metcon: Rx 9-15-21 power cleans, 135/95
9/11 tribute workout Rx 2001 meter run 11 thrusters, 165/115
Strength: squat jerk work up to a heavy single Metcon:
Strength: kb/db push press 5x5 Metcon: Rx 30-20-10 kb snatches, 53/35
Metcon: Rx 5 rounds 10 burpee box jump overs, 24/20
Strength: 3x10 strict pull-ups Metcon: Rx Every 2 min for
Strength: squat clean and jerk 2 @ 65% 2 @
Strength: squat jerk 1rm Metcon: Rx 5 rounds 5 squat
Metcon: Rx 8 rounds for time of: 4 power cleans,