Daily Workouts
Strength: work up to a heavy high hang snatch Metcon: 12 min amrap: 6 box jumps, 30/24 3 shoulder 2 overhead, 205/140 Post rounds and extra reps to comments. https://youtu.be/YLVYzO3P52I
Strength: Back squats 3-3-3-1-1-1 Metcon: Rx 3 rounds 21 kb swings, 70/53 run 800m 15 kipping pull-ups Intermediate: 3 rounds 15 kb swings run 400m 12 pull-ups
Skill: Handstand holds (freestanding and on the wall) Metcon: Rx 20 min emom: odd: 10m handstand walk even: 1 clean & jerk ( go up 1 rep each min,
Strength: 4 hang squat cleans. Work up to a heavy set of 4 Metcon: Rx 10 rounds 10 deadlifts, 155/105 10 ring dips Intermediate: 7 rounds 10 deadlifts
Metcon: Rx 5 rounds for time: 20 DB thrusters, 50/35 70 double unders Intermediate 3 rounds 20 db thrusters 25 double unders or 75 singles Beginner 3 rounds 12
Skill: rope climb Metcon: Rx: 25 wall shots, 20/14 1 rope climb increase 1 rope climb per round Intermediate: 15 wall shots 1 rope climb Beginner: 12