shoulder press 3, 3, 3+ (70, 80, 90%)
Metcon: Valentine’s Day Wod (With or without partner)
WOD 1:
Death by sychro push press, 125/85 + burpee high 5
WOD 2:
Part A: 6 Rounds for Time:
5 Squat Cleans, 125/85
10 knees 2 elbows
100 double unders
Partners will alternate rounds (eg. one does round while other rests + L-sits…. see below)
Part B: Resting partner will have one attempt to max L-sit (for time) during EACH rest period.
This will be done by placing both hands on 45# bumper plates and lifting feet off the floor with locked knees.
TOTAL (of all six rounds) L-sit time for both partners will be DEDUCTED from the overall time in Part A to determine the final score.